Friday, April 4, 2008


Been listening to "The Stand" It really speaks to my heart in terms of making a stand for God.

"So I’ll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
I’ll stand
My soul Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours "

Dear Jesus,
To be honest part of my heart is really scared about this major change in my life, in terms of ministry and my life. Im scared cox i totally have no idea of what to expect frm there! Plus also how can i give to my new ministry too.. Lord help me, empower me and grant me the courage to make a stand for you in this new phase of my life. I pray that Father, i can really grow myself in NS, standing firm in ur words and not afraid to spread your love to the non believers. Watever temptations that may arise help me to overcome them! Help me to become the person You want me to be, help me to fulfill the plans You have for me! I wanna surrender my life to you, not out of obligation, not out of fear but out of love for You. God, reassure me that You are with me in this journey as i desire You more and more. Really a day at Yourcourt is so much better than thousand days spend without You. I have make this choice to step firm in Your words, help me to be firm in Your words!
Lastly i pray that Lord, u can help me to adapt myself to the new unit, new ministry and a new environment. Its a new beginning, i gonna do my best to give myself to the cg. I pray that i can really bond with my cg too!

Yea Jesus, thanks for listening to my ramblings and i really want to commit all of this into Your hands. Let Your will and not mine be done.

In Jesus name i prayed,

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